For any homeowner, mold and mildew are trigger words for much bigger problems in a household. They are types of fungi with varying species that can be found indoor and outdoor. Mold and mildew generally have unpleasant odours, cause water leaks, soggy drywall and mouldy* carpets, poor air quality and yield material structural damage, especially when unchecked. What’s equally frustrating is that no matter the climate or season, moisture indoors catalyze actively growing mold, resulting in exposure that is harmful to both the environment and ultimately your health.
The negative impact of mold and mildew on one’s health is significant. Individuals with pre-existing allergies, respiratory problems, or weakened immune systems are at high risk. Some symptoms may include hay fever, a blocked or runny nose, an itchy nose, an itchy throat, sneezing, and watery eyes. Even in the absence of pre-existing health conditions, mold can trigger the production of microbes and bacteria. Exposure may cause an inflammatory response in some people and increase the probability of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, bronchitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and lower respiratory tract problems in previously healthy children. It is abundantly clear then, that it is in your best interest to avoid mold and mildew exposure. The key to mold prevention is to reduce sources of moisture in your home.
Preventing mold is much easier than removing it. Simple and proactive measures include:
- Gutters and air conditioning drip pans should be kept clean, unobstructed and in good repair to prevent water intrusion in the home
- Sloping the ground away from the foundation of the house will prevent water from collecting and possibly entering though un-repaired foundation cracks or un-waterproofed surfaces.
- Always repair foundation cracks and leaks in your roof, windows or doors as soon as possible. The longer an area stays wet, the more likely mold or mildew will begin to form. Drying out an area within 48 hours of any water exposure typically prevents mold activation
One of the most important ways you can ensure that you avoid the unpredictable destruction of mold and mildew is the D-wall system. Functional for both proactive and reactive measures, the D-wall system allows you easy access behind walls for inspection and repair without having to demolish your finished basement. It is not always possible to detect active mold in your home and, when you finally become aware, the damage might already be done. When you install the D-wall system in your basement, the removable drywall simplifies your checks and balances and ultimately defends against health risks.
In instances where surfaces are accessible, mold prevention is as easy as cleaning the area with soap and water, a bleach solution or a commercial cleaner designed to remove mold. However, where wall cracks, flooding, and water damage may occur to trigger mold growth behind basement walls, the D-wall system is the best protection against further damage to your home and family.